Monday, March 24, 2008

Tree planting

A local nursery was able to find me 'Moonglow' a particular cultivar of Sweet Bay Magnolia (Magnolia virginiana). I planted it in my front yard for a touch of something evergeen.

Last year my Forest Pansy redbud flowered, leafed out and died all within a few weeks. My neighbor's well established one died too. Neither of us could think of an explanation so I was reluctant to plant another one. Instead I got a Black Tupelo (Nyssa Sylvatica) to plant in that spot in Hagen's Woods. I had wanted another shade tree anyway and this is supposed to have very good fall color.

Nyssa sylvatica


  1. I have 3 favorite trees in my yard, and two of them are the ones you feature on your blog: sweetbay magnolia 'Moonglow' and Nyssa Sylvatica. So beautiful.

    My third is a gorgeous tree, Sourwood (Oxydendrum arboretum) Have you thought of that? Mine is small, but check out the Fall color on my blog

  2. I have two very small sourwoods planted in the side yard with a group of blueberries. I love sourwoods, both the sprays of flowers and the fabulous fall color. I had another one in a pot and just sent it to live in a friend's yard.


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