Friday, December 19, 2008


I have a woodstove in the basement that I light when I'm working down there. It's also the only back-up heat for my all-electric house. I have burned up almost all of the wood I had on hand and couldn't find anyone who would deliver less than a cord. A cord is a lot of wood when it's piled in the driveway. I've moved about a third of it to the back yard now and will pick at the pile as the weather permits.

From TTH200812

A small amount is stacked right outside the back porch door so I can grab it and drop it down into the stairwell.
From TTH200812

The rest has to go behind the new shed.
From TTH200812

Minou the mighty hunter regularly patrols my neighbor's woodpile so I told her she was to have her very own. She spent one entire afternoon staking out a spot in the bed on my side of the fence with his woodpile on the other. I don't know what she was hunting and don't know if she caught it but she was very absorbed in the enterprise.

From TTH200812

Cat, Interrupted
From TTH200812

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