Sunday, March 15, 2009

Garden Bloggers Bloom Day March 2009

Head over to May Dreams to see bloggers reporting in on Bloom Day, the 15th of each month.

In my yard:

Crocuses in the rain
From TTH20090315

From TTH20090315

From TTH20090315

Cold wet daffodils
From TTH20090315

From TTH20090315

Hazelnut catkins
From TTH20090315

Mountain Laurel buds
From TTH20090315

Pieris just about to bloom
From TTH20090315


  1. I love raindrops on crocus blossoms. I have quite a few photos of such myself from last year, and plan on taking more this year!

  2. Hi...I've thoroughly enjoyed your blooms! I love natives, too...but can't grow many of the acid lovers you can...We can't have everything...but we have had a lot of rain, too. Gail

  3. So much potential beauty you still have to look forward too! Lovely

  4. Drifts of crocuses, how lovely.

    We're enjoying rain, too.

  5. The crocuses are very pretty. Great GBBD post.

  6. Thanks everyone! This was my first GBBD post.

    Gail, my soil is relatively alkaline since we're in a limestone area. I use Holly Tone fertilizer and iron sulfate on the acid lovers.


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